Human Resource Management Division (2025)


Mr S.D. Jannoo
Human Resource Management
Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel:(230) 405 4141​
Fax:(230)212 4226
Email:Human Resource Management Division (1)

Assisted By​:

Mr L. M. K. Lam Ping Fong
Human Resource Management
Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel:(230) 405 4149
Fax: (230)212 4226
Email:Human Resource Management Division (2)

Mrs R. Ruchchan

Deputy Director,​

Human Resource Management(in a temporary capacity)

Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4132
Fax:(230)212 4226

Email:​Human Resource Management Division (3)

Human Resource Management Division (4)


Coordinating budget proposals on the size of establishment in the Civil Service with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.Processing requests from Ministries and Departments for creation

and abolition of posts. ​Processing contracts of employment with a view to ensuring uniformity. Other Units under the Human Resource Management Division:

The Human Resource Management Unit

The Conditions of Service Unit

3. The Employment Relations Unit

The General Services Unit

Performance Management and ResearchUnit


HR​​​​​​​Directory as at 07 October2024

HRM Staff List as at 07 October 2024​​​​​​​​​



Mr S.D. Jannoo
Human Resource Management
Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel:(230) 405 4141
Fax:(230)212 4226
Email:Human Resource Management Division (5)

Assisted By

Mr L. M. K. Lam Ping Fong
Human Resource Management
Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel:(230) 405 4149
Fax:(230)212 4226
Email:Human Resource Management Division (6)

Mrs R. Ruchchan

Deputy Director,​

Human Resource Management(in a temporary capacity)

Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4132
Fax:(230)212 4226

Email:​Human Resource Management Division (7)

Human Resources Management

1. Advising and assisting in the formulation of HRM policies and development of strategies.

2. Introducing and implementing best HR practices in Ministries/Departments (Flexitime, Job Inspection, Monitoring of Attendance).

3. Processing of schemes of service for all grades in the Civil Service.

4. Advising on organisation structures and schemes of service for posts in

5. Review of Organisation Structure in the Civil Service.

6. Management of the HRM Cadre which consists of about 407 officers posted in Ministries and Departments.

7. Matters relating to General Services Staff.

8. Conditions of Service (Leave, Contract, Discipline, Allowances, Passage Benefits, etc...).

9. Preparation of the Civil Establishment Order made under the Civil Establishment Act, establishing the number of offices in the Public Service and the emoluments attached to such offices.

10. Updating of the HRM Management Manual and the Compendium of legislation relating to public officers.

Dealing with matters relating to attendance in the Civil Service.

12. Management of human resources in the Public Service including manpower assessment, establishment proposals and the promotion of harmonious employee relations.

13. Implementing HRMIS in the Public Sector.

14. Providing guidance and support for the implementation of the PMS in the Public Sector.​​
Human Resource Management Division (8)


​Mr Jay Prakash Doobaly
Human Resources
Level 8, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4133
Fax:(230)212 4223
Email:Human Resource Management Division (9)

Assissted By:

​MrsYamawtee ​​Issur
Assistant Manager,
Human Resources
Level 8, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4135
Fax:(230)212 4223
Email:Human Resource Management Division (10)

Conditions of Service(Unit 1)

The Conditions of Service 1 section formulates, inter alia, policies/guidelines/circulars pertaining toconditions of employment in the public service as required. Officers of the section are expected toprovide sound advice based on current rules and regulations in the service, interpret and implementrecommendations from the various PRB Reports/ HRMM/ Acts/ Guidelines/ Circulars etc. besidesattending to complex cases forwarded by all public sector organisations. The Unit also attends to request from Unions/ Federations/ Ombudsman/ EOC etc. Officers have to regularly attend to hearings beforethe different institutions in connection with Labour Disputes.


1. Pension Matters - Reforms in relation to pension matters.
2. Retirement cases
3. Meetings for Statutory Boards and Committees and follow up cases
4. PRB – clarifications/advice/ruling etc.
5. Protocol on Heavy Rainfall for the Public Sector
6. HPC - sending cases to the Secretary and preparing briefs for the meetings
7. Salary on Promotion - Standing Committee on Remuneration
8. Injury Leave & Study Leave With / Without Pay
9. Award of HQI/Incremental Credit for Experience Acquired Prior to joining the Service - Standing Committee set up to determine the Award of HQI/Incremental Credit for Experience Acquired Prior to joining the Service
Employment Relations – dealing with matters pertaining to the FCSOU
11. Discipline
12. Release to attend courses and leave for examination and revision purposes
13. Refund of course and examination fees
14. Contract of employment​​
15. Waiving of age limit​​
16. Processing of Leave without Pay (emigration, to take up employment in private/parastatal organisations / international organisations, undertake consultancy, to accompany spouse, to run business, private purpose, after confinement) ​​
17. Attending various ad hoc committees for Civil Service Family Protection Scheme/Pension Reforms/Gender Cell/Prot​ocol for Heavy Rainfall/Bond​​

Human Resource Management Division (11)


Miss S. Khodabux

Assistant Manager,
Human Resources
Level 8, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel:(230) 405 5432
Fax:(230)212 4223
Email:Human Resource Management Division (12)

Conditions of Service(Unit 2)

The Unit is responsible for:


Providing advice on:​




​the interpretation and implementation of rules and regulations pertaining to Conditions of Service;

formulation of policies pertaining to terms and conditions of employment in the Civil Service; and

correct application of the existing rules, regulations, policies and recommendations pertaining to conditions of service of public officers, to ensure fairness, consistency and equity across the civil service.

2. Processing of requests on matters relating to the following:








Duty exemptions/official Government cars;
Travelling allowance - Mileage/Travel Grant/Commuted allowance/Refund of Travelling
Car allowance in lieu of duty exemption​

Loans - Motor Vehicle/Motorcycle/Autocycle/Bicycle

Special and Extra duty allowance

Ad hoc allowance & Meal Allowance

Out of pocket allowance & Risk Allowance

Payment of Fees & Fax and Internet Allowance​

Provide advisory/secretarial services and support to the following Committees:






the interpretation and implementation of rules and regulations
High Powered Committee
Foreign Service Committee

Risk Assessment Committee
Federation of Public Sector and Other Union
Other ad hoc Committees on Conditions of Service

Human Resource Management Division (13)


Mrs M. E. P. Gokhool
Assistant Manager,
Human Resources
Level 9, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4129
Fax:(230) 208 7639
Email:Human Resource Management Division (14)

Employment Relations Unit

1. Promoting good and harmonious employment relations within the Civil​ Service by adopting a consensual approach through dialogue, consultation, negotiation and conciliation;​
2. Examining Human Resource Proposals of Ministries/Departments and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly in the context of yearly Budgetary Exercise;
Preparing the Civil Establishment Orders for Mauritius and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly
Providing updated monthly status of the number of funded vacancies filled in the context of the yearly Budgetary Exercise;
5. Provide appropriate information with regards to requests for the grant of uniforms and personal protective clothing/equipment;
6. Providing, upon request, assistance to Ministries/Departments for the conduct of Manpower Assessment Exercise.​​

Human Resource Management Division (15)


​Mrs I. Reega
Human Resources
Level 7, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4139
Fax:(230) 214 2122
Email:Human Resource Management Division (16)

Assisted by:

​Miss P. M. D​.​ Sambat
Assistant Manager,
Human Resources
Level 7, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4140
Fax:(230) 214 2122
Email:Human Resource Management Division (17)

General Services

The Unit is responsible for:

1. Ensure that staffing requirements of Ministries/Departments in respect of General Services grades are met;
2. Process appointment, promotion, confirmation,retirement, assignment of duties and allowances in respect of General Services grades in accordance with established policies and procedures;
Update and maintain a database of officers of General Services grades;
Process posting of staff/request for change in posting of General Services grades;
Assist the Human Resource Management Division in mounting of courses in respect of General Services grades;
6. To process disciplinary cases in a consistent manner.

Human Resource Management Division (18)


Mrs L. Pyneeandee
Human Resources ManagementOfficer (HRMO),
Performance Management and ResearchUnit
Level 10, Sicom Building 2,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 405 4146
Email:Human Resource Management Division (19)

Assis​tedby :


Tel No:4054150

Performance Management and ResearchUnit

The Performance Management System (PMS) has been implemented in the public service with a view tonurturing a client-focused and results-oriented culture and improving the delivery of services to the public.

The Performance Management and ResearchUnit

provides guidance to Ministries/Departments and other public sector organisations for thesmooth implementation and sustenance of PMS.

​​Frequently Asked Questio​ns Understanding Performance Appraisal Forms and Performance Improvement Plans

-Performance Appraisal Form (Senior Management)​​​
-​Performance Appraisal Form (General)​​

-Performance Appraisal Fo​rm (Workmen's)​​​​​

-Performance Appraisal Interim Report (PAIR)​​​

-Moderation and Appeal Processes

-Performance Management Appeal Form -Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and Guidance Notes​​​​

-Performance Improvement Plan(Workmen's Group)​​

Report on Fitness

-Guide to use "Report on Fitness" PDF File

Human Resource Management Division (2025)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.